
When was the last time you had a great conversation with a complete stranger in this hectic city of ours? Joanna and Steven from FourTop want to help facilitate those moments with their experimental dinner pop-up, currently running in NYC:
FourTop is a series of curated dinners with strangers designed to create a "planned chance encounter." It's an experiment in what happens when you bring together people who might not normally know each other, and give them the opportunity to connect over dinner. To take part, visit the website and answer a series of fun questions. FourTop then curates a table for you and a friend: pairing you with another set of friends, and choosing a restaurant for all of you. FourTop is limited engagement – summer 2019 only – but look out for its next iteration come Fall!
Decidedly low-key and low-fi (matches are all done by hand using good old-fashioned intuition), FourTop is not about dating or networking, but simply about making a connection for an evening with someone new. We hope that our support will help FourTop make their connections even more magical (we've heard rumors of some international events in the making…) and we can't wait to see what they do in the months to come.