The Calgary Cookie Chase

Imagine it is a Saturday morning. You're at your favourite trendy coffee shop in Marda Loop (with a friend) discussing your investments and stock portfolio. Out of the corner of your eye, you notice two giant cookies running down the street as fast as they can. Following them is a giant Cookie Monster trying to eat those cookies. And following all of this is a camera crew.
Now imagine that on YouTube done by four 15 year-olds.
- This project is intended to launch a youth sketch comedy troupe.
- An online video series featuring someone dressed as the Cookie Monster chasing 2 or 3 people dressed up as cookies down popular streets in Calgary (Kensington, Uptown, Marda Loop, etc).
- The people dressed as cookies will be screaming in terror, crying, generally freaking out. The Cookie Monster will be yelling for cookies and doing whatever it takes for him to reach the cookies. They will make their way through the neighbourhood, going by landmarks and businesses in Calgary.
- With these videos potentially being viral, it will show the rest of the world how creatively awesome Calgary is, and the fun/exciting stuff that goes on here.
The breakdown of funds is:
- Cookie Monster full costume suit: ~ $200
- Cookie costumes: ~ $400 - $600
- Rest of the funds (plus more) will be used for renting video production equipment.
Follow this project on Twitter (@cookiechase_yyc), Facebook ( and at