Barre and Move ( Inclusive ballet class)

I am the director of Dance4wellbeing in Lake Macquarie. We provide dance and movement sessions for Over 55s,Dance for Parkinson's classes and Aged Care sessions for people with and without Dementia.
Over the past year I have discovered a need for people,young or older to access a community dance class ( particularly basic ballet) that caters for all needs particularly with an inclusive Health focus. As I specialise in mature and inclusive dance,I would like to start a class that caters for all.
To do this I need portable barres for practice in our community hall. Across the world, ballet is promoting Health and wellbeing benefits for people living with Parkinson's and other chronic Health conditions as well as the lack of dance schools not catering to participants with a range of needs.
I have recently presented at the Creativity and the Brain Symposium and the Ausdance Creative Ageing Forum to highlight the need for more artistic activities for the health and wellbeing of the community with an inclusive focus.
I would need 5 portable barres to make the magic happen!