CHIKAS is a webseries and community we have founded to give back to all creative souls out there. The story reminds you that failure is a necessity to develop resilience and success is defined by yourself. It encourages us to explore the power of creative play and continue to be curious.
The series centres on JAZZ and ALEX as they explore their creative freedom. They are second-generation Australian Asian, a community that is rarely portrayed on screen in an authentic manner. When we can’t see ourselves on screen, it sets up the narrative that we are foreign and ultimately do not belong to the Australian identity. CHIKAS is our way of reminding the world through comedy that Australia is incredibly culturally diverse.
The central themes of the story are identity and the definition of success, also touching on social issues such as homelessness, sexual health, body positivity and racism to open up necessary dialogue in the community.
We want all the little girls and boys out there to believe that they can do it, no matter their gender, sexual orientation or colour of their skin. if they put their body, mind and spirit to something, they can create the life they desire!
High achieving Eurasian Sydneysiders Jazz and Alex eject themselves from the corporate jungle to pursue their creative dreams. However, when they come out to their very traditional families as ‘dirty creatives’, they find themselves bearing the weight of a Chinese mother’s guilt. As they chase their creative freedom they end up homeless, heartbroken and hospitalized, struggling to adjust to their new lifestyle. Using their charm and high achieving tendencies from the trading floor, they stumble upon questionable enterprising means. They battle between their two warring sets of Western and Chinese values, while trying to figure out where they belong in the world and what happiness and success truly mean. Bring soy sauce.