Alegría Tea Company

Alegría Tea Company is an online business that promotes healthy living, poverty alleviation, and lasting joy. By selling teas, the company raises funds to be used to create programs that combat poverty and homelessness in the most evidentially-effective ways. I, the owner of this company, have spent the past several months creating programs for homeless children living at Hope Ministries (rescue mission in South Bend). I have a vision of using education and therapeutic services to combat the root of the poverty cycle that these homeless children are trapped in—targeting both the physical and the emotional forms of poverty in their lives. By providing daily after-school tutoring and homework help, offering resources and guidance to succeed academically, serving as an advocate for students and their parents in the school system, matching students with personal mentors and additional therapeutic services, and working with parents to best support their children, these children have found hope of escaping the cycle of homelessness and pursuing their dreams. For this reason, I created this tea company where all profits are used for these programs and services. Additionally, these teas are each extremely healthy and work towards specific health goals (for example, HAPPY tea is for weight loss, SMILE tea is for skin detox, etc.). I am very excited about the potential that this company has to change lives!