A day in the forest

Amazon Forever is a non-profit organisation, developed in collaboration with the Conservation Center for Species Survival, located in Iquitos, Perú, that promotes conservation of white sand forests and other Amazonian ecosystems. It does so through positive contact with nature, environmental education, and research and preservation of wildlife. In 2016 we took a survey in some schools in Iquitos, the biggest city of the peruvian Amazon, and found out that nearly 80% of children do not the forest that sorround them, this condition is known as Nature Deficit in Children.
A DAY IN THE FOREST: Through the development of emotional education strategies and lived experience, thousands of children from Iquitos and the communities surrounding it have the opportunity to spend a day in positive contact with nature. As a result, they are able to develop emotional connections, and to understand the importance of conserving the nature that surrounds us.
By providing children and the local community a profound experience in our native Forest, we will grow empathy in children from Amazonian schools who will have the opportunity to visit our Natural Protected Area and learn about the importance of Amazonian conservation through a Botanical Garden, an Eco Library, and paths in one of the last white-sand forests that exist.