Giant Puppet Dance Club

Giant Puppet Dance Club is Pittsburgh Puppetmaker Cheryl Capezzuti's latest experiment in community connection, laughter and delight. Through this project she invites people to put on a giant puppet and join a pop-up Zumba dance class in a Pittsburgh park or other public place.
Capezzuti currently has about 200 giant puppets, including a set of 10 super-lightweight puppets designed for dancing. Through this project she will work with local organizations that host events in parks and other public places to create Giant Puppet Dance Club experiences during their already planned events. For example, on the Braddock Community Day, Capezzuti has already talked to the Braddock Library about using their Zumba teacher and existing puppet collection to stage a Giant Puppet Dance Club experience in the park on Saturday, August 11. The only barrier to the success of this plan is a little bit of $$ to pay our dance leaders.
Events that I would like to connect with include:
Braddock Community Day
Brighton Heights Halloween Festival
An Open Streets event
Allegheny Commons Farmer's Market
Gallery Crawl in downtown Pittsburgh
Puppetry Guild of Pittsburgh Puppet Slam