Cornell PEACE Talks

Cornell PEACE Talks is a lecture series that aims to bring conversations about Plant-based nutrition, Ethics, Academic freedom and Environmentalism to Cornell University and beyond. It was conceived as a response to the blatant shunning of plant-based nutrition in the Nutritional Science curriculum at Cornell and the unexplained removal of Dr. T. Colin Campbell's class on plant-based nutrition because it conflicted with the interests of the dairy industry, which has a grotesquely immense influence on campus. The series has 3 lectures and one movie screening (with Q&A) and includes speakers such as Dr. Milton Mills and Dr. T. Colin Campbell.
We feel that such a series is necessary because Cornell is supposed to have one of the top nutrition programs in the country and yet, more than 90% of all the nutrition courses fail to mention veganism or plant-based lifestyles at all. In fact, there is a class on Nutrition and Disease that I took where the the word plant-based was only mentioned once, and that too was in reference to a sea-food based Mediterranean diet. It is absolutely disgraceful that information about this life-saving lifestyle is withheld from students in order to appease industry interests and pump out graduates brainwashed with corporate propaganda.
We had our first talk on Life Beyond Genetics a few weeks ago where Dr. Latham delivered a critique on the unwarranted importance of genetics in health discussions, which serves to detract from people's eating habits. Our next event is a What the Health screening and a skype Q&A with Dr. Klaper. Dr. Campbell will talk about his research and share his experience about how Cornell treated him. Dr. Mills will deliver a presentation about racial and ethic biases in the US dietary guidelines.