Shaheen I-Tech Lab

In the rural regions of Pakistan, only 1.3% of houses have internet access. This combined with socio-economic and gender issues leave rural women the most isolated from internet access in the country. Social barriers constraint women and restrict them from mobility in the public space, limiting their opportunities for education, employment or general autonomy of women. The goal of our project is to give the women of Gilgit, Pakistan a safe space to utilize the internet for their networking, professional, or educational needs.. We want to create an environment exclusively for woman so they can get their work done in a productive environment and not have to worry about men dominating the space and making it uncomfortable. The reason we decided to utilize internet as a tool to empower women is because it has become crucial in a more connected world due to its unique ability to break down barriers of distance, and allow people to instantly exchange information and ideas that can transform their and others way of life. They are able to become involved in the social, economic, and political development of their countries, and the world at large. The tech lab is accessible to all women, disregarding their social status, age, or technical skills. It is located in a local all girls school that is easily accessible to students and teachers as well as all women of the community. Courses are offered at the lab to teach anyone interested basic computer skills as well as focused courses in different subjects.