Circus Arts for Personal Enrichment (CAPE)

We wish to expand people's ideas of what their limitations are through our aerial school. We are developing an umbrella program for reaching parts of our community that may be unfamiliar with or have less access to our classes than others. The program, CAPE, will allow us to reach these underserved parts of the community (for example, behavioral or drug rehabilitation programs, victims of physical or sexual abuse, senior citizens) and offer aerial training programs to to empower these members of the community through building mental and physical strength. We currently have at least one contract with a behavioral rehabilitation program and would like to offer such programs to multiple populations who may think aerial arts are only for the young, the athletic, or the non-disabled, for example. We want to purchase a portable aerial rig that we can transport to local schools, retirement centers, day programs, and festivals to offer mini-lessons or programs. Not only will it spark interest from those who witness a class in action, but it will help people realize aerial arts could be a part of their personal growth journey.