Healthy Youth Preventative Education (HYPE)

The Healthy Youth Preventative Education (HYPE) Program is an after-school program that build strengths, resilience, and coping skills among youth as a way of enhancing interpersonal functioning. HYPE is an evidence-based program that equips youth with the social and emotional competencies they need to positively engage with others. Whether it be with dating partners, peers, friends, teachers or family members, youth will be better able to form meaningful, healthy connections in their lives.
In weekly small groups, over the course of 14 weeks, co-facilitators present activities and generate discussion around issues that affect youth in their daily lives. In a safe space, youth talk about what contributes to stress, well-being, and healthy relationships at school, home and in their local community. The program is delivered in an interactive group-based format that includes discussion, audio, visual and tactile aids as well as the opportunity for interactive activities and peer support. HYPE also provides youth with one-on-one support as well as referrals to community services.
This free after school program is available to youth ages 13-24 in two different settings – schools and youth drop-in centres. By offering the program in a group model, otherwise socially isolated youth, who may not have had a circle of friends of their own, have the opportunity to experience group engagement and connection.