The Legend of the Pink Elephant

Luckner “ Lucky “ Bruno here and I hope all is well with you. I am writer, director, choreographer of the “ The Legend of the Pink Elephant”. It is a circus , theater, musical hybrid show with a message. It debuted on the main stage at the Miami Theater Center (MTC). It was thrilling to see the house so full of happy and enchanted little faces. The show ran for 2 and a half weeks . In that short time it played for a little more than 3000 people. We had not only second graders come to the show , but also a great number of high schoolers attended our production. Young and old were able to connect with the show, and more importantly our message. We are doing another run of the show! We will be playing again at MTC this coming spring 2017.
In our play an elephant is born different from the rest of the heard. He is born with pink skin, and is bullied out of the heard by the other elephants for this. He runs away and finds colorful characters that love his difference. Eventually they get him to appreciate and love his different -ness. Now a more confident elephant ,he decides to go back home. When he returns he finds his home is not how he left it. Humans are there hunting elephants for there teeth.
This is a piece of living theater. In this hybrid show actors have trained in circus arts. I felt this was important as this is not a ‘circus show’ with a lose story tagging along. This is a message of love and respect for the world. Such a journey needs good storytellers with amazing skills.
We want to have more runs of the show as well as a tour. We would love to create a school tour of the show, so that we can take this show and it’s beautiful message to all of Dade county and abroad . We are also planning to make a children’s book of our story. It is important for the next generation to see that different is not a crime .
“The Legend of the Pink Elephant” is more than a show. It is a message of love and compassion .