Another life

Sweden is often considered to have one of the best music scenes in the world. Music and sound is more or less pumping through the swedes' blood – with more pop artists per capita than anywhere else.
However, when it comes to our real surrounding in Stockholm – they are more or less dead. The trees don't sing, the streets won’t roar and buildings don't growl.
How wonderful wouldn’t it be if these inanimate object would come to life? Another kind of life that can only be found by those who search for them?
This month’s winner Robin Jonsson is a choreographer and sound artist that work with sound-transducers that lead sound through materials rather than air. The effect is that the sound can only be heard when putting ones ear onto the object.
What might seem like a silent tree in the outskirts of Stockholm might actually play a full symphony within. You just have to search hard enough...