Townhouse Session Players: Food Bank CD Project

We would like to use our music as a way to help feed our community; to turn the Scottish Gaelic metaphor "Puirt cho math gum bio' tu gan ithe" (Tunes so good that you would eat them), into reality.
Each Sunday evening since The Townhouse opened in Antigonish, a corner of the pub has been reserved for people to join together and share their love of music in a traditional acoustic Irish Session with Scottish and Cape Breton influences. An invitation to all is listed on "" web site along with similar sessions around the world. Over the past three years, musicians from far and wide have joined this table in the corner: a fiddler from New Zealand, an Irish piper who was on an episode of Friends, a harmonica player from Germany, to mention a few.
Yet, week after week there is a solid corps of locals who look forward to this musical feast at the end of their weekly routines. They come from varied backgrounds, ages, and musical knowledge. Most would not know each other if it were not for this session. They play for no money, but for the love of music with likewise souls.
This AWESOME group of local people would like to expand the good this session does for them, into something that will benefit our AWESOME community. We would like to make a recording of some of our favorite music we play and offer it as a CD to be sold at The Townhouse and other local venues with 100% of sales going towards the Antigonish Food Bank.
The Townhouse is a community-supported pub that serves locally-sourced food as much as possible. The owners and staff are involved in the local food security movement, and many of their patrons are involved or concerned as well. There are many in our community who depend on the Food Bank to feed their families. Unlike the delicious bounty the Townhouse menu offers to its patrons, these people's choices are limited to what the Food Bank is able to supply. We support the Food Bank and...
We hope to use tasty tunes to fill local tummies!