Santa Fe Prom Closet

We believe that one more way of encouraging students to remain in school is to help them attend their prom by reducing their costs of getting prom clothes. We get donations of used clothes, as well as raise money to purchase clothes to give to seniors, and rent to underclassmen for a cleaning fee of $25. We have just finished our sixth year helping students primarily from Santa Fe schools, but also students from other schools in northern New Mexico. We are completely dependent upon donations up to and including the use of a space to locate our six-week long "boutique" for students to come and get clothes. Because of the generosity of La Unica cleaners, who have cleaned prom dresses for us the last six years, we have been able to offer a wide range of dresses and sizes for the girls.
This year was our third year offering suits and tuxes for boys. Because of our shoe-string existence, we spend any monies raised on clothes and or shoes for our clients. We have served over 400 students in the past six years, most from Santa Fe. Our only requirement is that they are currently a high school student.
We need to purchase 25-50 tuxedo jackets and slacks in the smaller size ranges as we don't have enough to meet the demand in Santa Fe, and had to turn away about 20 boys this year when our supply was exhausted. Besides the boys, we have had at least 5 girls get tuxes over the last 3 years as well, and they generally need a smaller size. Your grant will allow us to double our stock of tuxedos!