A Carnival Fantasy: Where Anything is Possible

When children are fighting cancer their lives are anything but normal. They oftentimes live in the hospital for weeks at a time. They miss school, they miss spending time with friends and they miss out on so many things that other children and families take for granted.
"A Carnival Fantasy: Where Anything is Possible" is just one opportunity for children who are daily fighting for their lives to forget about cancer for a few hours and just have fun at "the carnival."
The event is open to children on- and off-therapy, and their immediate family members. In addition to carnival-style games and fun, there will be food, face painting, a few special guests, music, door prizes and more. Everything is free to the children and their families.
We've hired a company that provides character appearances -- Anna and Elsa will be joining our party and they will have someone making balloon animals for the kids. We've also requests cheerleaders and Big Al from the University of Alabama make an appearance.
In addition to the prizes that kids can win through the carnival games, we are hoping to have enough nicer items (games, toys, arts and crafts, gift cards) to give to all of the kids before they leave. We also hope to collect some items to give parents (gas gift cards, grocery store gift cards, VISA gift cards, etc.).
Everyone is very excited about this event, and I can't wait to see how happy the kids are. Any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated. This event will happen, even if I have to sell my stuff to come up with the money. The more we can raise, the more magical it will be for these kids. And they definitely deserve some magic in their lives.
Thank you for your time.