Say my name Canada

My project is a multi-level campaign, designed to be an effective counter-action to the growing problem of bullying. Much attention has been brought to this problem in the media and through campaigns and programs, however our program features young people acting in a music video for a song I wrote called, "Say My Name", that illustrates the damage done by bullying and how uniting together can help and it is focused on engaging youth in positive acts of giving across Canada in a 30 day challenge that they can do and post on social media, that will create positive change.
I feel strongly that we need to lead with action based programs that engage our young people in the power and beauty of positive change, rather than lecturing them on the negative aspects of bullying. Our campaign will be fun, engaging and effectively offer positive, immediate solutions to help prevent social isolation and bullying. I am working on putting together a team of like-minded individuals to help support this campaign in addition to my partner in Positive Classrooms, Lynnette Rumble.
Positive Classrooms
“Say my name Canada-30 days of Change”
Join us on Jan.25th for 30 days of giving. Keep track of how many acts of giving you, your company, school, business, family can do and send your totals to us at
We are asking every single person in Canada to collect acts of giving leading up to Pink Shirt Day on Feb.25/2015.
At exactly 12:00 P.M. Feb.25/2015 the International release of the video for the song “Say my Name” by the Glenn Marais Band will stream around the world. This video will bring awareness and help to anyone who has been hurt by the scourge of bullying.
When one person is bullied we all become victims
The time for change is now
Send us your total acts of giving and we will announce to the world, “How Kind Canada can be on Pink Shirt Day”.
On Wed.Feb.25th/2015
“Let’s show the world how kind Canada can be!”