Live Action Side-Scroller

The Live Action Side-Scroller would transform an alley or sidewalk in a busy pedestrian area of Seattle into a level of a side-scrolling video game, for one day only. Lucky passersby will don hero gear (overalls, red hat, big mustache) and navigate the level.
The bricks would be painted or chalked to create a pixelated background. The rest of the level will include elements such as:
1. break-apart cubes with items inside for the player to collect
2. platforms, springboards, and obstacles for the player to traverse
3. remote control enemies (e.g. stuffed turtles mounted on RC cars)
4. costumed person enemies roaming the level
5. giant cardboard or foam coins to collect
6. sound effects and music (being played by a volunteer)
We will video and/or ani-gif each player's run and post it on our website afterwards.
We have a great team of people ready to put this together. We will work with Graffiti Defense Coalition to find a location, rope in friends with set construction experience to help build, and artist friends to design the background and oversee painting. The painting and set-up itself could be part of the spectacle! The level will be staffed with volunteers (some of whom will play costumed enemies.)