Meet the Maker

In 2014 we’ll launch Meet the Maker, a creative collaboration between YFM, the Old Growler and guest food producers that deepens the connection between consumers and producers.
Each quarter, Meet the Maker will put food producers in touch with a crowd of city folk who want to hear the stories behind their produce. Held in a lively bar atmosphere - Woolloomooloo’s the Old Growler - 120 guests will purchase an affordably priced ticket ($25, which includes food). Guests will mingle with fellow city dwelling sustainable food supporters and local producers from the city’s fringe over delicious, local food and drink. The producers will speak to the crowd about their sustainable farming practices, their lifestyle, motivations and experiences as well as the produce they grow whilst guests try dishes using the producers’ ingredients. The producers' goods will also be available to buy on the night in a mini-farmer’s market set-up, where guests can talk more with producers about the food.
Bringing consumers and producers together is at the heart of the Youth Food Movement’s theory of change. When people who eat (that’s everyone!) understand where their food comes from, who made it and how the act of food production impacts environments, animals and the communities, they can better navigate our confusing food system and when consumers constantly ask to know more, producers and retailers whose practices are not sustainable will need to step up to the mark in order to stay competitive.
Meet the Maker is the perfect way for guests to make the vital association between what they eat and who grew it that will change buying behaviour and empower them to ask more. Each event will initiate lasting connections between producers and conscious consumers and between guests and YFM to continue their journey in support of a fairer, more sustainable food future for Sydney and Australia – all while enjoying delicious food and intellectual conversation in an urban alehouse setting.