Each One Teach One Adult Literacy Program

As mentioned in previous applications, EOTO provides one on one tutoring to adult learners who either: 1) perform below 8th grade level academically or 2) are studying to pass the GED exam for high school equivalency. Through the use of over 100 volunteer tutors from all walks of life, EOTO serves adults ranging from non-readers to those nearing completion of the GED. The tutoring sessions are two hours in length, and EOTO staff prepare individualized lesson plans for the adult learners. Since becoming an independent non-profit in 2010, EOTO has served over 200 adult learners and helped more than 60 obtain their GED.
EOTO is the only non-profit in San Antonio serving low functioning adult learners. One quarter of San Antonio adults are "functionally illiterate", i.e., unable to read above a fifth grade level. San Antonio ranks 7th in the U.S. in population, but 60th among U.S. cities in literacy. Literacy has a profound affect upon socio-economic issues such as unemployment, crime, health, high school dropout rates, and domestic violence to name a few.
EOTO utilizes the one on one approach to learning with adults so that they can learn at their own pace and avoid the stress or embarrassment of a traditional classroom setting. Furthermore, the EOTO approach to adult learning gives members of the San Antonio community the opportunity to be a part of the solution to this serious and citywide problem. As a result, the program effectively leverages its resources and can serve many more adult learners than if dependent solely upon financial resources.
EOTO provides tutoring services at four locations in the city: Baptist Child and Family Services (410 and Callaghan), River City Christian School (5810 Blanco), St.Mary's Learning Center (3141 Culebra), and Margarita Huantes Center (1411 Guadalupe Street).