- To design and produce a deck of cards of everyday vocabulary in Arberesh (with Italian on the back) with corresponding descriptions and pictures. These can be used to match up vocabulary and description. The cards will have pictures, text and a QR code on them. They will be distributed in person.
- The QR codes will link to a video playlist where the descriptions can be heard and seen in audio-visual form as well, in both female and male voices.
- The same content will be found in Wikipedia articles where the information will be expanded upon.
- These resources will follow a polynomic model allowing and encouraging the representation of more than one variety of the Arberesh language. These decks of cards can eventually be replicated by other Arberesh communities in their own variety.
Long-term goals
- Maintain its usage among the younger generation
- Increase knowledge and awareness of vocabulary
- Improve attitudes and challenge dominant ideologies
- Increase awareness of the polynomic model of language maintenance
- Create a consistent orthography that works in practice and is widely accepted
Project Goals
- Having resources for the community in an intelligibile and easy to read form of the Arberesh language, that do not reflect purist ideology
- To have a stock of videos that serve as a pedagogical tool for any age (but especially for children) and simultaneously as a reference work on the Arberesh Wikipedia (which is currently in incubation: https://incubator.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wp/aae/)