HBCU, It's Cool To Be Smart Initiative

Our Cool To Be Smart, HBCU initiative is to increase the awareness of HBCU's and hopefully encourage enrollment among South Bend Students. Starting in February, we will bring in notable Tennessee State University alumni to do workshops with high school students. In April we are planning a HBCU college tour to Tennessee, Alabama, and Georgia. We are currently putting a group of high school students together who will go on the trip and be able to submit transcripts, talk to recruiters and find out about scholarship opportunities.
This fall leading up to the Notre Dame Vs Tennessee State football game, we are planning 4 days of events. A welcome reception on Thursday to welcome TSU dignitaries to the city, Panel discussion, College Fair, Scholarship Giveaway, Pep Rally and Greek Step Show on Friday. An HBCU style tailgate on Saturday. On Sunday we will focus on wellness in an even we are calling college Sunday where all the fraternity and sororities are invited to attend worship service together, followed by vendors, food trucks bouncy houses and hopefully the TSU band. The main goal of all these activities are to give South Bend a small taste of the HBCU experience.