OddHearts Connect Through Art

OddHearts was designed by two queers of colour who believe in the power of art to process emotions and transform life's challenges. The workshops are targeted at all humans who self identify as 'odd'.
Our art experiences are held in queer, POC and neurodivergent friendly spaces and venues and aim to connect people and build bridges between the sub cultures and communities we are part of.
We are based back in Sydney now after the devastating floods that wiped out our Northern Rivers town. Through practicing art together and working on a collaborative piece or process, participants are guided by the facilitators to open their hearts and reconnect. We trialed this model recently with a group of 15 oddballs in a Newtown venue.
We propose a series of 3 workshops using the mediums of 'painting and alchemical paper weaving', 'Tarot collage' and 'Drawing the Shadows'. The last workshop of this series will be accompanied by live music.
This project will make Sydney more awesome by providing art experiences that help queers, POC, neurodivergent and other people who wouldn't normally feel comfortable in mainstream art workshops connect with their emotions and their shared humanity. We facilitate enjoyable, meaningful experiences creating a collective piece and learning about artistic processes.