Buy Bla(c)k

Buy Bla(c)k is a business directory website profiling Black-owned businesses across Australia.
In solidarity with the First Nations Australians, this business directory focuses on African-Australian and Indigenous businesses, products and services - filling a gap for these underrepresented and commercially overlooked for minority groups.
It's an effort to encourage Black Australians and our allies to invest in Black Businesses and help build wealth and self-determination within our community.
The aim is to bring these businesses to the forefront and make the easily accessible to all.
The home page categorizes businesses by service or product in the top navigation menu. Once you have selected a category, you are taken to a landing page that lists black-owned businesses state by state, along with a short overview for the business, and a link to each site.
The web design is sleek and simple, easy to use and I have written all of the descriptive copy myself.
So far it's been a one woman project... but if I am to succeed, I'll be needing your support.
I've attached screengrabs of the website so far, and have purchased the domain with my own funds.