A Pink Envelope October

This month we decided to run our very popular pink envelope campaign for the third time. Essentially we put $5 into 200 very pink envelopes that had an 'open me' sticker on the outside and spread them around Antigonish last Saturday Oct 27th.
A note inside informed the finder that they have received $5 from us but asked the person to consider paying it forward by doing something nice for someone else and then perhaps letting us know via the hashtag #awesomeantigonish or sending us an email.
The response was fantastic, so many people took the wind fall and decided to make another persons day brighter. Actions ranged from donations to existing charities, which some folks doubled the contribution, others used the find as a learning opportunity for their young children to understand the power of giving. We took the time to make a public google drive folder where you can read some of the stories and see some photos from the day.
Link: https://goo.gl/KAp13c
A big thanks to everyone in Antigonish for recognizing this initiative as a powerful way to display the exponential power of giving. If you found an envelope we would love to hear your story in the comments.