The Hometown Project

The Hometown Project encourages cultural leaders from all walks of life to return to their hometowns to bring attention to the importance of civic engagement & to raise awareness surrounding issues important to their community. THP brings people of recognition (we call them Energizers) back to their hometowns to get out the vote during local elections for school boards, city council, local mayoral races and more. This level of engagement in front of an expanded audience, can really make a difference in non-presidential election years where voter turnout is low and incongruous with the larger voter population in the area.
This dynamic forum will enable constituents to learn about and better understand candidates & their platforms and is a means to build an informed educated electorate for the 2018 midterm elections & beyond.
Across the United States, statehouses, school boards, and city councils have seen a massive influx in money and false advertising from SuperPACs, funded from outside of their own communities and often fueled with an anti-democratic, national agenda. Due to gerrymandering, redistricting, and other voter suppression initiatives, rural & suburban areas of this country have been besieged by these forces. The result has been that local voices across the political spectrum, regardless of party affiliation, have been drowned out & thus need an elevated platform to amplify their local needs, goals & priorities.
THP seeks to bring positive energy to the local arena by strategically working with community leaders & enhancing their reach by introducing them to figures we call “Energizers” to support voter engagement & initiatives. Now more than ever before, we must find innovative ways to educate and empower visionary and progressive individuals to be active citizens and voters in their communities. THP aims to distribute their energy and passion across the nation,sparking change in towns, cities &school districts across the nation