CKMS-FM Community Radio Studio Update

In December 2015 CKMS FM moved our studio from King St. Waterloo to Duke St. inside the old Boehmer box factory in Kitchener due to necessary financial cut backs to afford to keep CKMS community radio alive with the cut back of rent.
With switching to this space we have seen our radio membership decline with many DJ's, programmers and shows leaving CKMS. After seeing this transition to a less attractive space and being a member programmer myself I can visually see the difference in space and it is much more unpleasant with the lack of art, unfinished floor and many blank concrete walls in studio.
Which brings me to KW Awesome to reach out to you today to schedule me in to hear my proposal to help me improve Radio Waterloo's newest space that we currently lack the fundraising and current live sponsored shows to support the space improvements to happen within our budget. I believe "general space improvements" can make our membership strong again and will have the necessary improvements to attract more members to CKMS soon.
Please consider hearing my proposal as CKMS proudly provides a space for its community to use and become more familiar with the radio and broadcastings lifestyles while promoting friendliness and openness to all within the community space. We currently support local, Canadian and independent artists for 40 years and counting; now I look to KW Awesome for some financial assistance to immediately improve our radio station studio space with a membership increase to soon follow with the improvements.
I hope I can find your support to improve CKMS FM's new studio on Duke st. to help rebuild our membership strong again in the immediate future.
Thank you for considering improving a great space for community and radio of the Waterloo and surrounding regions since 1977.
"Please Help me make CKMS-FM KW Awesome again!"
Cameron M. Vannatter
CKMS FM Radio Waterloo Inc.
Board of Directors
cell: 519-722-6197