Waipahu Safe Haven Immigrant Resource Center

The Waipahu Safe Haven Immigrant Resource Center is located in a Weed & Seed Office on Pupupuhi Street in a Hawaii Housing Apartment building which we have transformed into a holistic center servicing students from k-12 in afterschool tutorials, Adult education for many of our COFA community adults who we then help with job readiness skills. We have developed two Steering committees (Chuukese, and Marshallese) from our adult education classes, who provide guidance in the types of resource and education they'd like for their community. An example of this, was the Chuukese Culture and Language classes which we are providing on Saturdays for the Chuukese students who are losing their language. The classes are being provided with the guidance of the Leeward District ELL supervisor and the Chuukese language teachers. Our partnerships provide resource services, Waipahu community Coalition, Legal Aide, Public Health Nursing, Access to health insurance, Students from the Waipahu High School educational pathway volunteer their time to help with tutorials for our younger students and the Leeward District ELL program assist us with interpretation and VISTA/Americorp positions which help us to coordinate the programs . Additionally, we also run a sewing center for our migrant women. These women who have limited English abilities learn how to use their skill to earn some income for their families.
The Safe Haven Computer Access Center, as it was initially called, was created to address a need for more computer access for our youth and adults in this geographical area. Our ultimate goal is to improve the success of students and adults in this area by improving family literacy which we hope would improve the community. We provide tutors to help with homework, and training for adults in English and to do job searches, write resumes, and provide a place where those in need could access documents to receive help with services.