
BarberQue is a mashup of the words barber (haircuts) and barbeque (a grilled feast typically slathered in barbeque sauce)
BarberQue is an event that will bring together people from all walks of life to share a meal and to share their unique perspectives. The event will positively impact the lives of homeless people in Chicagoland with a day of hair cuts, clothing, a family style barbeque, and sharing of social service resources that can improve quality of life. Barberque is not only meant to positively influence the lives of the homeless, but create connections and bonds between all human beings.
The second annual BarberQue will be held in Kells Park 3201 W. Chicago Ave. Humboldt Park IL 60651, on August 27, 2017 from Noon to 4 pm.
Our goal is to top last year!
At the 2016 we gave away
50+ Haircuts
1,000+ Articles of Clothing
300+ Barbeque Meals
50+ Bags of Groceries
100+ Toiletry Kits
We had representation from seven social service agencies including healthcare, shelters, drug treatment programs, and other homeless services.
We have support from the West Humboldt Park community including the Kells Park Community Council, Neighborhood Housing Services, the Salvation Army, and the Chicago Public Library.
Apart from our large annual event, BarberQue also held a Holiday Drive in which we collected and 45 wrapped gifts with warmers, ear muffs, dry shampoo, winter gear and candy. Additionally, we distributed 40 food bags with non-perishable items. 200 pieces of clothing were donated, 200 loose toe warmers, and 30 “fun gifts” for children and adults.