
Where health and social justice intersect, nurses offer alternative modes of thinking.
Nightingale is a web publication established by nurses and the populations they serve. We are a movement committed to social justice for nurses and those impacted by their care, within and beyond the healthcare system. This commitment extends across spheres of gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, ability, socio-economic status, and health literacy.
Nightingale is an emerging space for writers, artists, activists, healthcare workers, mothers, daughters, brothers, fathers, and Americans who want to help others as peers. We publish news, art, and features centered around health equity with the aim of connecting nurses to their communities.
We are a group of women around the US from across disciplines that have connected to create a space for millenials working toward health equity. With various backgrounds our perspectives are diverse and cover a broad range of interests. Our work will speak to individuals from all levels of health literacy, and we are united in an effort to make healthcare more accessible and equitable for every person.