Westside Wednesday - 2016 Holiday Edition

In December of 2015 it started with lunch. One lunch, called Westside Wednesday, to promote businesses and the improvements on Western Ave. Those kept going monthly, until summer came, and people asked for a bigger evening event. So we delivered an evening festival with beer, tacos, art, music, culture, and lots of kids activities. We estimated over 1,000 people went!
So now as we near the one year anniversary of Westside Wednesday we are planning another festival. Our first festival was a summer family event, well this one will be a festive holiday event! We are planning to have Santa, maybe sleigh rides, an art project for kids, a Christmas Bazaar (crafts fair), hot chocolate, etc.
We have booked December 10th as the date, we are working now with the city to get holiday lights up on Western Ave before the event, and it will be a day to celebrate the great things happening on the westside and get ready for the holidays!
Downtown South Bend always has fun First Fridays, Holiday Lights, great flowers, family activities... our families on the Westside of South Bend deserve the same. This event helps create pride in the neighborhood, great memories for kids in their neighborhood, and gives them something to be proud of in their neighborhood.