Change your lawn. Change your city.

Greater Impact Lawn Care is a for-profit business that seeks to teach the youth of South Bend how to work through meaningful employment opportunities.
We have 4 main objectives:
1. It’s our intention to provide jobs for urban youth living in the South Bend area.
We intend to teach youth life skills through work (Time management, positive attitude, work ethic, financial literacy, workplace behaviors, effective communication, positive self-image, GRIT.)
Our goal is to train up the next generation of youth in South Bend to work hard and be great employees for future companies.
We provide quality work and excellent customer service. We stand behind all that we do.
Our services focus on commercial and residential lawn care maintenance which includes mowing, trimming, edging, landscaping and cleanup projects. We are fully insured and have highly trained supervisors. We have cut over 800 properties in our community, while investing in the future leaders of our community.
We are more than a lawn care company. While we care about our finished project, we are even more concerned about the youth that we employ (currently 9 youth). We hire specialized supervisors to mentor the youth. We have a weekly employee training focused on soft skills needed to succeed in the workforce. Each student employee has an individual mentor investing in their growth.