literary awesomeness

hi my name is Taylor Sinett I am a 16 year old sophomore at Schreiber and I am a children's book author and illustrator. My second book just came out called Jack on a Plaque. Jack on a Plaque is the story of a young yak named Jack, who learns to overcome the limitations of his physical disability with a positive attitude. During athletic competitions at school, Jack’s small hoof always slows him down and prevents him from winning. But Jack remains determined, and even though he is never able to be the fastest or the strongest, he is consistently the hardest working. He earns the Leader of the Yak Pack title for his perseverance.
I am setting up a day of literary awesomeness at Manorhaven School where I will be reading Jack on a Plaque to the entire kindergarten group approximately 87 students. Both Bonnie Cohen the principal and my own teacher Mrs Meltzer are excited to have me.
I am asking for the Awesome committee to donate $1,000 to purchase 100 books, one for each student (the remainder books will be donated to the library as well as some other classes.)
I will be able to read this inspiring story to the kids, hopefully motivate them about writing and art as well as show them what is possible. I will also personally sign each and every book to encourage them to follow their dreams like I am.
I hope the awesome foundation will allow me do more awesome, please check out my website to learn more about me at
thank you
Taylor Sinett