District Displaced

Founded in November 2014, District Displaced is a photography outreach project that reveals there is more to being homeless than simply not having a home. Through ongoing outreach work, District Displaced focuses on providing resources to individuals dealing with homelessness in Washington, D.C. The outreach goal is to make sure that each engaged individual has the opportunity to receive resources that will tangibly benefit them. District Displaced offers a unique opportunity to individuals currently dealing with homelessness to document and share their experiences through film photography by becoming project contributors. District Displaced contributors use film photography to provide unique perspectives on living without a home. With each roll of film contributors have the opportunity to review each photo after they are developed, and title the photographs that they want to share online and in exhibitions. Despite the obvious hardships relating to homelessness, each photograph offers a first hand account of life on the streets of Washington, D.C. and fosters a sense of resilience and ingenuity. By collaborating with those dealing with homelessness in DC a new voice is assumed by each contributor to self-advocate through art.