Tabula rasa – the great beyond

It is time to introduce Berlin with the finish-off scene!
“Tabula rasa – the great beyond” is a market of abandoned cultural productions, accompanied by a program of performances and installations. A diffusion of excess concepts, remaining stock and latent projects. A moment to let go, and a last opportunity to pick up the drifting creations of others. You can acquire media, art, design and concepts for a small contribution. Projects which find no new host, will rest in peace through a communal burial ceremony and enter the public domain in afterlife.
The idea came to mind after we realized that more than one basement in Berlin is filled with creations which are either incomplete, to dear to throw away, to expensive to sell, to unique to have a price or simply to many to distribute. The plan is to realize a market like event, starting out by building a network of creators, where items and concepts can be submitted online via a standard form, on their way to the great beyond. After the event, creations will rest in peace in a virtual memorial.
We expect the following type of items to be submitted:
Media: Videos, Records, Magazines, Books, Posters, Stickers
Art: Installations, Prints, Instruments, Artworks
Design: Furniture, Clothes, Items, Jewelery
Concepts; Projects, Master thesis, Business ideas
Let us burn the past together and may elevator pitches make great funeral speeches.