Design For Citizens

August’s Awesome Ottawa award goes to Jeffrey Neto, Tatiana Ulloa, and Cathryne Lillian Milburn, to support the development of simple visuals that explain public policies and government services for disadvantaged groups.
Jeffrey, Tatiana, and Cathryne are working with the Shepherds of Good Hope, Ottawa’s largest not-for-profit organization dedicated to serving the needs of the city’s homeless and impoverished, to create an easy-to-read pamphlet that assists clients with a specific policy or service. That policy or service will be identified in consultation with those clients.
“Many of those who use government services,” explains Jeffrey, “do not understand how they work. This is because the information presented by the government is not designed with the user in mind. We hope to present information so that those who use services are informed and empowered.”
Jeffrey is a student in public administration, Tatiana in human security and peacebuilding, and Cathryne in marketing. Jeffrey and Tatiana also work for the federal government.