Yoga and Meditation for Prisoners

We are a small group of volunteers attempting to make the life-restoring benefits of yoga and meditation available to our local prison population. We started less than two years ago and are already giving 12 weekly classes in our prisons, jails and juvenile detention centers. We have also incorporated as a Florida nonprofit, YOGA AND MINDFULNESS OUTREACH.
Thanks to the beautiful results in the lives of the inmate and to correctional administrators who are serious about rehabilitation, these classes have opened up at a steady pace – tho the point of concern as we are few and almost completely unfunded.
This year -- at this very time -- we are starting classes in three very specialized areas. One is with juvenile inmates. Another is with inmates with psychological issues. Lastly we will be ding a new healing energy class in two state prisons.
We want to share with you our excitement for these new programs , and the joy and relief we already know the inmates will experience!