Functional Education to Learning Disabled Children

When a child in school is constantly pulling the tail in their class, we all too easily resign to the fact that they are probably “not clever” at best or at worst, that they are lazy and refuse to work. After all those with handicaps are easily identifiable and there are numerous programs and schools to manage those with special needs. But learning disability (LD) is a very real challenge that affects thousands of children who are forgotten because of labels that we attach to them such as those mentioned above.
Irene Kigathi seeks to change that. As a mother with a child with LD, she understands that these are kids who have different skills and may never learn how to read and write using conventional styles, but with different teaching and methods of grading in class, this child will be able to acquire a skill to use later on in life. Because these children learn differently, then they must be taught differently. With a little extra support they can catch up with other kids their age and gain the most out of their schooling. The grant from the Awesome Foundation will help in completing a model centre for children with LD and hopefully have such centres mainstreamed into the regular education pedagogy.