Sabes Quein Soy?

In Nov 2013 Motus Theater premiered the performance "Do You Know Who I Am?" This performance is scripted by playwright Kirsten Wilson from monologues written by five immigrants from Boulder County about their experience of being undocumented Americans. It has played to rave reviews to over 2,000 people in Boulder County and an additional 500 across the state. Boulder County Commissioner Elise Jones had this to say about the show: “I went to an AMAZING, sold out performance last night called “Do You Know Who I Am?” where 5 brave Latino immigrant youth tell their compelling stories. Equal parts cheering and crying. If you ever had doubts about the need for immediate immigration reform, you won’t anymore.” But this performance has never happened in Spanish - despite the fact that the performers families are all Spanish speaking and it is the lives of these immigrants that are portrayed in the play! We were asked to premier the play in Spanish (Sabes Quein Soy?) in collaboration with El Centro Amistad on Saturday, Sept 27th, but the only grant money we have on this project is $500 just to do a simple reading (instead of a performance of the play). We would like your support to do a full premier of the play in Spanish.