Compton Jr. Posse Youth Equestrian Org

I am Mayisha Akbar founder of the Compton Jr. Posse (CJP), In 1988, While working for Merrill Lynch Realty, I discovered the Richland Farms area of Compton when researching properties for one of my clients. As I was just recently a divorcee and single parent, I became really excited about the possibilities of raising my 3 children in a rural environment as I did growing up. I truly believe my experiences with animals and horses in particular built the foundation for the person I am today. So with children in tow, I moved to Compton, bought a few horses and settled in to live on the farm. As my children ventured out into the neighborhood, they found many youth whose basic needs weren't being met. So like pied pipers they brought the children home for our assistance and out of a community need the CJP was born.
The CJP, now a year round after school program, has provided leadership skills to hundreds of at risk inner city kids. Youth ages 5-18 are taught the value of hard work, education, and self development in order to give back to their families, their communities, and to society in general. Our motivational tool of choice is equine science - the horse. International studies show that teaming Youth with animals increases self esteem, teaches responsibility and discipline. At the CJP ranch, youthlearn how to care for, communicate with, and to compete on horseback. In 2009, we established the first inner city high school team to compete in the Interscholastic Equestrian League (IEL) in California. This has given our youth the platform to become eligible for equestrian scholarships to some of the top colleges across the country. We have earned the respect and help of many international greats including 2008 Olympic Gold Medalist Will Simpson and medalist Charlotte Bredahl Baker.
Education is at the forefront of what we do. Our curriculum is under development so that students will be able to earn academic credits in math, science, and business, which will be in addition to the physical education credits they currently earn. Compton Jr. Posse has helped three generations of youth to go to college, into the military and into business for themselve