1001 Breast Cancer Nights

1001 Breast Cancer Nights is a mosaic of audio-visual diaries of Indian breast cancer experiences: vibrant tales of medicine, myth, stigma, survival, romance, tragedy, comedy, artistry, burlesque and even erotica. Taking the form of an online portal, the project will facilitate exchange of information that initiates public dialogue, significantly improving the understanding of the disease, compliance to medical treatment and better quality of life for survivors.
Why is this project important? By 2020, 70% of the world’s cancer cases will be in poor countries, with a fifth in India. Breast cancer will be the most common type of cancer among women in India. Living in a patriarchic and stigmatized society, women in India struggle to “come out” publicly about their breast cancer in fear of abandonment; they silently suffer the medical and emotional consequence of the disease alone. The likelihood of dying of cancer is much higher among these women because of age-old barriers such as illiteracy, stigma, shame, religious beliefs, misconceptions, cost and poor access. Social and gender inequities severely hamper their ability to seek medical help. This results in delayed medical intervention and high mortality.
What will the project have? The portal will feature:
i) Audio/video diaries made by cancer survivors educated on participant storytelling using tablet devices;
ii) Professionally made short films;
iii) Stories of men who are gatekeepers to woman’s health;
iv) Messages uploaded by the public via
video and photo booth;
v) Geo-coded information on demographics, treatment
centers, support groups and other resources;
vi) Thorough integration of social media and search capabilities.
Summer 2014: First phase of filming will include the following:
1. Video interviews of several hundred people to explore and document the perceptions of breast cancer among Indians
2. First person narratives of cancer patients told using tablet devices