LICKESTRA: A Lickable Orchestra

Lickestra, a collaboration between designers Emilie Baltz (, Carla Diana and musician Arone Dyer, is a musical licking performance at the intersection of food design and smart objects. Created as part of a residency at the School of Visual Arts, Lickestra plays with the experience from tongue to taste by presenting a series of conductive ice creams that trigger various baselines and tones when licked. Riffing on the "ice cream stand", guests are invited to stand inside a classic white pedestal and lick the ice cream that is presented to them. The result is a "4-piece band" that operates only by the licking of each guest.
Lickestra lasts until all the ice cream is licked.
We would like to place Lickestra in "Specials on C" ( a bodega for community and expression, located on Avenue C and 12th street in Manhattan, across the street from the public housing projects.