The VFW Post 1093, American Legion Post 80, PLAV and AMVETS have joined together with the Town Manager, Chief of Police, Chief of Fire Department, Select Board, Bank Gloucester, Brookline Bank, Rotary, Masons, Ipswich Fish & Game Club, Ipswich Public Schools and individual citizens with the focus to bring a respectful and honorable recognition to those who participated in the D-Day Invasion some 80 years ago in Normandy, France. There are three concerts scheduled as part of our fundraising program. All funds raised will go to the expense associated with hiring marching bands, paying for local high school bands transportation costs, etc. All funds are audited and controlled by the two banks mentioned above. We are working with Veterans organizations, High Schools, Civic Organizations and others throughout Essex County. Our focus is to have an education opportunity and patriotic event that will be memorable for all Essex County citizens.