'Felt by the Community' Inside

The 'Felt by the Community' project supports a series of four felting workshops in the Adelaide Women's Prison for women who are in direct contact with Aboriginal leader, Aunty Pat through the Salt and Pepper program.
Aunty Pat and Margie -Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal women - started Salt and Pepper to support and liaise with women in prison, their families and support services, including on release.
Aunty Pat has invited me to conduct felt-making workshops that will be for the women inside prison hence the title of the project 'Felt by the Community'-Inside. The women will learn the basics of felting and design their own 3D artpiece that we will hopefully be able to display.
Our aim is to provide an expressive and creative opportunity for the women to learn skills that will be of benefit to them on release. Felt-making is a mindful process with many wellbeing benefits. These workshops are beginner friendly with an open access point. These workshops have the benefit of providing Aunty Pat to engage with the women during and after the process. This additionally gives longed-for support to the women - inside.