Make a low income farmers market awesome

OK, look, I feed people.
Looked at chef's training, but the school moved out of the state and there was a woman I wanted to feed more than I wanted the school.
So, I work with farmers markets. I have been working with one in SE DC. Ward 8. Really bad food options in Ward 8. They call me the market master. I have never had the word "master" in a job title. It's pretty cool. We're doing something great.
We bring fresh veggies and sweet-corn-picked-that-day and 4 different kinds of apples and jam and chemical-free meat and muffins and bread and cider and nutritionists and chefs and our SNAP-card reader to the middle of the city and give people better choices.
It's educational.
It's helpful.
It's virtuous.
It's fun.
Awesome seems too much like an extra when you are just trying to get by.
But awesome makes it a happening. Awesome makes it coherent. Awesome makes it belong to the whole neighborhood. We should be awesome.