Art in the Loo

Art in the Loo is a clandestine public art project, in which I will make 50 small original paintings of Yucca plants, and then install them in public bathroom stalls all over Santa Fe, for the duration of one year.
I love creating a little surprise for people by planting art in unexpected places. In this case, it will also be creating a point of interest and possibly beauty in a setting that is generally the most unaesthetic spot one can think of.
The pieces include lithography, drawing, painting and encaustic; 5”x7" or 9”x12”, depending on location. Mounted on thin wood panel, they are affixed to the bathroom stall wall or door with strong but damage-free adhesive.
A small QR code (on removable sticker) next to the painting goes to a map of Santa Fe with all the locations. There is no advertising, no name of the artist visible. For the person going to the bathroom, it is anonymous.
The managers of the spaces, will however, be engaged to participate, with the possibility for an unusual camaraderie in which people from very different kinds of spaces are part of an invisible network. The paintings create this invisible network, linked by content (the Yucca plant), the map of all the locations, a book which will include photos of all the installations, and at the end, an exhibit. When the pieces come down at the end of one year, there will be a show with all the paintings in one room, and an opening reception to which all the participants (and the general public) are invited.
To make participation easy: Host sites are not responsible for damage or theft (it’s just part of the character of the project); I will leave no trace at the end; and participation is free — that’s why support from an Awesome grant would be so awesome!
Locations include laundromats, restaurants, libraries, gas stations, the airport, Walmart, Discount Tire! I want to catch people who don’t normally go to see art, while they’re a captive audience.