The Power in Pride Celebration

The Power in Pride Celebration is a yearly grassroots movement created in 2021 to celebrate Disability Pride Month through collaborative conversations that amplify a multitude of disabled experiences. Last year, the celebration featured over 60 pridefully disabled speakers from 3 continents in 9 Clubhouse conversations. This year, each event will be a collaboration with other advocates on the Planning Committee to give them opportunity, experience and a platform. The goal is to empower disabled pride & excellence while building a bridge for better allyship towards the disabled through conversation. Topics include Ask a Disabled Adult, The Power in Pride, Disclosing at Work, Accessible Activism, Multimarginalization and the Intersectionality of Disability, Trauma Healing from the Ableist Society Peer Support and more. The celebration seeks to amplify as many speakers as possible in accessible audio only spaces. What sets it apart from other events is that it is entirely disabled run, making sure the conversations are controlled by disabled voices.
What our grantee is saying: "Winning this award means the world to me because it ensures there will be compensation that values the disabled people taking part in The Power in Pride Celebration for Disability Pride Month."