Chinese Immigrants in Silicon Valley and Beyond

As an immigrant from China, I have lived in San Jose in the past 15 years. Here is home. I have written a critically acclaimed novel, Beautiful as Yesterday (Simon & Schuster, 2010), about Chinese immigrants’ experience in the SF Bay Area.
My proposed project is called “Chinese Immigrants in Silicon Valley and Beyond - A Journey Through Photos and Stories”.
A bilingual (English & Chinese) photoblog, where each featured immigrant shares a brief and meaningful personal observation/inspiration/story to promote interracial understanding and cross-cultural alliances. It's an ongoing project. Besides online presence, I plan to create a poster and a physical book based on the photo collection.
- Chinese immigrants from different walks of life, from different social, economic, professional backgrounds.
- Chinese immigrants living in Silicon Valley
Silicon Valley is home to one of the largest foreign-born populations in the US. About 38% of the two million people in this area were born outside the US, and immigrants make up 70% of the workforce in highly technical occupations. Chinese immigrants account for a significant proportion of the workforce in Silicon Valley. Since the Covid-19 pandemic begun, anti-Asian and anti-Chinese rhetoric and behaviors have surged. This photoblog is an effective way to showcase the wide range of Chinese immigrants and promote interracial and intercultural communication and understanding.
To be launched in Q1 2022.
- my website and social media
- through my local, national and international networks
- Bookstores & libraries