Women Warriors Program

Female Veterans are an underserved community that is growing every day. These women have selflessly volunteered their lives for ours, so that we can enjoy our freedoms. But in doing so, many have come back to us troubled. Many have Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Military Sexual Trauma (MST) and suffer from feelings of institutional betrayal. Facing some, if not all, of these challenges, some female Veterans cope by isolating themselves and/or by using alcohol and/or drugs to deal with the trauma and/or pain.
Women Warriors Program will provide a safe, supportive environment for our female Veterans who are experiencing homelessness to due suffering from mental illnesses such as PTSD, MST, and unemployment.
Women Warriors Program hypothesis is that if we provide effective individual and group therapy, progressive nutritional and holistic therapies, proactive social and occupational training, and effective case management, our female Veterans receiving this support will be able to live independently in the community.
Women Warriors Program goal is to address, educate, coordinate, and provide aid and relief to eradicate homelessness and provide support services to female Veterans in need at a local level. Women Warriors has been supplying our female Veterans with emergency assistance, food, clothing, and basic hygiene essentials since 2016. Our new facility will enable us to better meet the needs of our women veterans by providing the right resources needed at the right time.
Objective 1: Determine the underlying issue of our female Veteran and assign her to a case manager/therapist who will work with her on developing the skills she needs to live independently.
Objective 2: Provide a safe, supportive environment for group/individual therapy.
Objective 3: Assist with employment services that include resume building, job interviewing skills, clothing and a haircut.
Objective 4: Provide financial budgeting if needed.