The Nest Pantry at Effie Kokrine Charter School

NEST Pantry at Effie Kokrine Charter School, Fairbanks, Alaska
The NEST will be run by Mrs. Jackson's 7th Grade Class. Every Friday students will create boxes, do pantry inventory, and help raise money to stock the pantry.
Mission: The NEST will provide food, hygiene or school supplies boxes to students who are chronically hungry, who do not have food consistently available at home, who need hygiene products or who need school supplies. Teachers will refer students who are in need. The contents of a NEST box will depend on the student’s needs, but may include: non-perishable items, fresh produce, dairy products, frozen meat, shampoo, soap, notebooks, pencils, etc. Students being referred are those who:
Exhibit extreme hunger
Quickly eats all of his/her food and asks for more
Regularly asks teachers for food
Comments about not having enough food
Asks his/her classmates for food
Needs hygiene products
Needs school supplies
Our student population is over 70% Alaskan Native, so we will aim to have Indigenous Foods, like moose, dried fish, and Pilot Bread, whenever we can.
School website:
School Video:
Teacher Referral Form: